Beyond the Welcome Email

A Comprehensive Guide to Supporting Effective Transitions

A comprehensive roadmap to welcoming children and families into your classroom with care and intetion.

This is a guide tailored for early childhood educators who understand the critical importance of effectively welcoming young children into school-based classrooms and are seeking the tools to do so.

The way we welcome young children into our classrooms significantly influences their long-term social and emotional well-being, as well as their academic engagement and achievement. Unfortunately, the significance of this process is often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the school year's commencement – but we’re not going to fall into that trap!

things your clients need to know

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  • Vital information to share with children and their families.

  • Essential information to collect from children and families.

  • How to leverage collected information.

  • Navigating tricky separations.

  • Creating a plan for day one.

  • A support kit for families in the lead up to (and including!) day one.

Oh, hi!

I'm Danica (Da-nee-ca).

I'm an early childhood educator, university lecturer, practicum supervisor and, most importantly, mama to a delightfully curious 5 year old and delicious 7 month old.

I always thought I did transitions well. I mean, I sent parents a jam packed email with everything they needed to know. That was enough, right?

I was then lucky enough to participate in a yearlong research project where a group of early childhood teachers were guided through unpacking their current transition process, finding the gaps and then filling them. Yikes. Turns out a single email to parents really wasn't a transition done well. I had *many* gaps.

I spent that year really refining how I welcomed children and their families into my class and turned my process from lacklustre to sparkly. Let me help you refine your transition process so yours can be sparkly, too!